Jupiter Edge Privacy Policy
Jupiter Edge Privacy Policy
Last updated on 31 March, 2022
The purpose of this document is to define broad policy applicable to protection of "Privacy" of individuals whose information directly or indirectly processed or collected from you through the "Jupiter Edge" mobile application by LivQuik Technology (India) Private Limited ("Company" or "LivQuik"). This policy will also be reflected in the website of the Company when available. It will also be reflected in the Privacy Practice Statement that may be shared with business associates where required.
Scope, Purpose, Nature and period of the data collected:
  • This Policy applies to Jupiter Edge customers who has visited Jupiter Edge mobile application and/or has agreed to or has enquired to open an account/or initiated process to open a account with Jupiter Edge.
  • LivQuik may collect non-personal information and “Personal Information” will inter alia include any information which is directly or indirectly available with us to identify or verify individual identity. This may also include sensitive personal data which inter alia includes phone number, financial information such as bank account, credit and debit card details, biometric information.
Jupiter Edge process/collect data received (a) directly from you through Jupiter Edge or through different communication channels or the services or product you entail to use and when you provide your details in forms, surveys, online applications or similar online fields (b) indirectly from third party sources including but not limited to credit institution companies, market research, publicly available information, payment gateway companies, business partners, financial institutions.
All these data are processed in regard to providing you better services and product, managing our relationship with you, fulfilment of contractual and regulatory obligations.
Privacy Commitment
LivQuik values privacy rights of individuals whose personal information is generated, processed, transmitted, stored or otherwise accessed by LivQuik or any of its employees of the Company as a part of our activities and are committed to protection of the privacy rights of such individuals as required under law.
In particular, LivQuik has put in place reasonable managerial, operational, technical, legal, behavioral control measures to comply with the provisions of the Privacy and Security obligations as required under law.
No Personal Information is either used or disclosed by LivQuik except as required or as permitted or as authorized and this policy is strictly binding on all the employees of the Company as well as the business associates.
LivQuik reserves the right to change the privacy practices at its sole discretion. Whenever a material change is made to the privacy practice, a revised Privacy Policy will be posted on the website. Where feasible, stakeholders will also be informed through electronic means. Continued access or use of the Jupiter Edge or its services constitutes your acceptance of the changes and the amended Privacy Policy.
Company uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the collection of Personal Information is limited to that which is necessary to fulfill the identified purposes. In case of use of information in a manner different than the purpose for which it is collected, then consent will be obtained prior to such use.
Transfer of Information
You expressly consent to share your Personal Information with our business partners, third party, collection agencies, regulated entities (including but not limited to NBFCs and Banks) for the purpose of improving existing services, data enrichment, generate affluence score, outsourcing relationship management activity, collection of overdues, launch of ancillary service or product.
Company may share your Personal Information when required by law enforcement, regulatory bodies, government officials, fraud detection agencies, financial institutions or other third parties as and when we are compelled to do so under applicable laws, courts, judicial and quasi- judicial authorities and tribunals, arbitrators and arbitration tribunal. You further understand that we may use your Personal Information that is collected by us to market our product and services including product and services of our business partners, independent service providers and/or our group entities and affiliates and to notify you about offers, sponsorships, marketing programmes and similar marketing campaigns.
Company may also process and analyse your information that we have of you to understand your usage trends and preferences, and to develop and market (either ourselves or through our group companies, our business partners or any other third parties) new products, services, features and functions to you based on such analysis of your Personal Information.
LivQuik is responsible to facilitate RBI, NPCI, PCI DSS, ISO and other agencies nominated by RBI/ NPCI, to access the data, information, systems of technology service provider related to Wallet and carry out audits as and when required by RBI and NPCI
LivQuik may use third-party companies to serve advertisements on our behalf. These companies may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single-pixel gif or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous.
Who can access Personal Information?
LivQuik follows a strategic principle whereby, access to Personal information is restricted only to such of employees or third party entities including but not limited to NBFCs and Banks, who are required to access the information for the purpose of delivering whatever services are committed to be delivered by LivQuik
Compliance, Grievance and Nodal Officer
The Company has designated the following person as the Privacy and Information Security Complianc, Grievance and Nodal Officer for implementation of all compliance and grievance requirements under this Information Security Policy.
Name: Madhur Karnik
Contact Details:
Personal Information is regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party except as set forth in this and any other term of use applicable to our services.
How we Secure Personal Information
Data is secured in the facilities of LivQuik under a well-developed information security policy as well as an IT Act 2008 compliance policy. Sensitive data both in storage and transmission are to be encrypted with appropriate encryption tools with strong cryptographic algorithms. Currently the recommended algorithm is AES/3DES 128 bit encryption or above or similar to the same as approved by organization. All transmission must be under secure transmission protocol i.e. HTTPS/SSL. Winzip to be employed to create secure encrypted format of files before transmission.
Exceptions where necessary are properly authorized and monitored.
Personal information no longer required is destroyed subject to requirements of archival guided by the Company internal policies.
Information in process is closely monitored through appropriate technical means to ensure that there is no accidental or intentional compromise of security.
Any accidental access to personal information is recorded as a security incident and managed as per the Information Security Incident Management Policy.
How we use or Disclose Information
Personal Information is used or disclosed strictly in accordance with the provisions of law and as authorized by the data owner/customer.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned elsewhere in this policy, LivQuik may store/retain your Personal Information for as long as the same is required for the fulfilment of purposes for which we collected it. The retention of the information by LivQuik is determined by considering compliance with legal (contractual, statutory or regulatory requirements), accounting and compliance reporting requirements. Retention of your combined information will also be applicable pursuant to cancellation/ deactivation/ non-subscription of your account with us or with our business partners.
LivQuik seeks to provide reasonable assistance to cater to request from you regarding the processing of your Personal Information and the right to amend and withdraw permission to the processing of your Personal Information. In accordance with applicable laws and as per our policies, you can exercise the following right:
Access to your information You may request record of your Personal Information being processed by us, upon the verification of your identity and other information as per the Company internal policy
Review, Correct and Rectify your information You may review, correct or rectify the inaccurate Personal Information that is stored with us
Withdrawing your consent (a)You may withdraw a consent to processing that you have given us and prevent further processing of your Personal Information subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy; (b) You may also withhold your consent prior to the collection and processing of your combined information
You can exercise any of the aforementioned rights by submitting a request to These rights are limited in some situations, such as, where we are legally or otherwise bound to process or retain your Personal Information. This may also affect our ability to provide you service and therefore may lead to discontinuation of the service you procure from LivQuik.
Grievance Redressal Framework and Resolution Mechanism
LivQuik is a transparent and ethical company & expects that its ethics and values are intentionally upheld all across. All grievances involving but not limited to rights conferred, compensation, refunds, and other claims through this policy will be resolved through our Grievance Redressal Mechanism set forth in our Terms of Service and Information Technology Rules, 2011 and Master Directions issued by RBI thereof in this regard.
LivQuik shall ensure adherence to all regulatory guidelines / requirements of card networks / wallet in terms of reconciliation on T+1 days nearby the Auto reconciliation if any dispute raised at time of reconciliation, we will follow the TAT of positions at daily / weekly / monthly frequent basis.
LivQuik shall also adhere to all dispute resolution and customer grievance redressal mechanisms as prescribed by Regulatory Authorities. LivQuik shall also provide an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) system for resolving customer disputes and grievances pertaining to digital payments, using a system-driven and rule-based mechanism with zero or minimal manual intervention.
LivQuik initiate action to resolve all customer complaint / grievance expeditiously, preferably within 48 hours and endeavor to resolve / reply the same not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of such complaint / grievance, also LivQuik shall display its approved policy,procedure along with the details of grievance escalation matrix in its website for wider dissemination.
The CTO of the Company shall be the appeal authority in respect of any grievance which remains unresolved beyond 20 days from the date of receipt of grievance at the level of the Compliance Official.
Name: Yudhajit Nag; email: